
December 9, 2022 Matthew 11:16-19   The philosopher Heraclitus once said that “no one steps in the same river twice” and that “the only constant thing is change”. Apparently he never heard of the people Jesus decries in the Gospel today who would not dance to the...

The “weakness” of God

December 8, 2022 Luke 1:26-38 I had often thought that God has a weakness, after all (something unthinkable because in Catholic Catechism and theology we are taught God is almighty, all-perfect). It is this: He cannot and does not force us humans to bend our will to...

God’ grace is always upon us

Dec. 7, 2022 Mt. 11:28-30 There is a good story about a father and his son. One day his son volunteered to help him in the farm. The father asked him to bring a stone enough for a kingpost foundation as they were building a shed in the area. From the distance, the...

Beware of the critical spirit

December 5, 2022 Luke 5:17-26 That Gospel story of the paralytic brought by his friends with great effort to Christ for healing, (cfr. Lk 5,17-26) can tell us a number of things. One is that we need a strong faith when we need to ask God for some special favor....